Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Week 1

After looking at the brief I had an idea to make an environment that created more of a mood for a character, instead of producing an environment that had no connection to a character. My idea is to have two characters one boy and girl, making a short memory snap of love and death using the same environment both in the past and further, giving the environment purpose and memory to the characters.

Own Brief:

Brief: design and model two characters in an emotional environment to have them interact with, also showing a time stream between the same environment both in the past and further.

In Detail: To design and animate two characters, to build up my character skills as its my weakness, then to design and model a background design for my two characters to interact with, producing an emotional scene, since I believe environments and textures are more my stronger skill, I want to work on my skills using what I'm stronger at and develop my weakness within this project. I will also have the same scene but designed in two different ways to show a time stream between the two environments.

Outcome: To develop two good characters/animation and be able to show the two different time periods using colour effects in after effects.

because I'm working alone I might have two design and rig the two characters and develop my environments to a good standard and continue with animating and producing a film for next term.

Time Table:

Week 1:

  • Think of a story and plan out what I will be doing each week
  • Start Blog
  • Start Modelling Characters

Week 2:

  • Modelling
  • (Idea's for the after effects project/filming)
Week 3:

  • Modelling
  • (Finish film for after effects project)

Week 4&5:

  • Modelling background set/texturing
  • (after effects project, edit movie/sound/colour)

Week 6&7:

  • Animation
  • Camera work

Week 8&9:

  • Rendering/Editing

My other idea was to have them both ice skating, I got the idea from a film called Ronnie and Julie, I found it to be romantic but also a challenge to do an animation with characters on ice skates.

(All images are from Google images on the Internet, I have taken clips from two movies which are Ronnie and Julie and Ice Princess. The other images are from dancing on ice and random images put onto Google.)

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