Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Week 7

For week seven I have started to animate my characters, first I have been praticing to animte and trying out how I can make the two skaters move on the ice and interact with each other. If I find some bits in my pratic animated piece that work then I'll keep them and add them to my final scene.

When using premiere pro I started to edit some footage and see how it plays out.

Lighting: I had a hard trouble with the lighting only because I wanted the two scenes to have an element of night and day. Jared said that if I put a light under the snow texture to bring out the look of winter. It has made a difference with both the scene now it has the mood of looking like to sepertate scenes.

Animation: My characters still feel like their not moving smoothly, I need to work on their movement to have them act towards each other. what is working is the kiss scene that I have made. I didn't want to change that scene at all only because I think that it works well. The only thing that is worrying me is that on the maya8 timeline I have not spred out the action which makes the characters move to fast and when playing it in premiere pro, its showing to fast and when I applied the speed tool, it makes the characters jog. But on the other hand the affecet it has given makes it look more of a memory with its joggy slower pace. So I might keep it in or have to re-do.

Music: I wanted to only have a song in the background and no sounds to make it more of an emotional animation instead of the sounds taking the emotion away from the characters. First off I wanted to use the song 'something happened to my heart' from the film Ronnie and Julie but because the film is so old I wasn't able to either find nor download the song so I had to go though a few love songs.

  • Boyz To Men: one sweet day

  • Jessica Simpson: where you are

  • Faith Hill: there you'll be
  • Brian Adams: everything I do

I did go though loads of loves songs and watching the music channel magic, and had a list made but out of the songs I thought might have gone with my animation are shown above. I am thinking of using the song 'where you are' by Jessica Simpson because the slow and sad pace I think connects with my animation more.

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